Michael John
Recovery Counsellor
Michael has been around the block and back, so you know he is a survivor equipped with the skills to overcome adversity. He has been sober for over 30 years and, as a result of his own personal experience with addiction, is able to empathize greatly with our clients. His life’s mission for many years is to make a good difference by assisting others in overcoming adversity, charting a new course and showing them that life in recovery can actually be fun. His approach to recovery is pragmatic, and he often amazes clients with how simple and practical his solutions for complex issues can be. Michael attracts canines the same way as he does people. Proof positive that he is completely pure and evil-free is the fact that every dog that visits or works at NEOVIVA is instantly drawn to him. If you can’t find Michael taking care of our clients, he’s probably out on a long stroll with Sir Bentley the Beagle, his favourite member of staff.