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Drug Addiction

Substance Use Disorder (SUD), commonly known as drug addiction, involves repeated drug use leading to physical or psychological dependence. Whether it is illegal substances like heroin or cocaine, or legal prescription drugs, continued abuse—often initiated recreationally—can escalate into a serious problem with long-term consequences. This complex medical condition[i] causes chemical changes in our brain, compelling us to continue drug use despite our longing to stop, resulting in enduring physical, emotional, and social ramifications. This loss of control can lead to obsession, reaching a point where the craved ‘fix’ takes more away from us than it gives back. Not only does it harm our mental and physical health, but it also has the potential to isolate us from society, our families, an even ourselves. Fortunately, a comprehensive approach, including drug rehab treatment and medical detox, offers a pathway to reclaiming a high quality of life.

Am I addicted to drugs?

It can be challenging to spot a drug addiction in yourself and others for a variety of reasons. It affects different people in many different ways. Some people are “high functioning drug addicts”, whereby they can still maintain their jobs, relationships, and responsibilities despite craving and requiring drugs to get them through. There are a lot of symptoms of drug addiction that can also vary depending on:

Identifying a drug addiction in yourself or others can be challenging as it affects different people in different ways. Some are “high-functioning drug addicts” and manage to uphold their professional, personal, and societal commitments despite struggling with a persistent craving for drugs to get them through the day. The symptoms of drug addiction vary significantly, influenced by factors such as the specific substance used, administration method, dosage, and frequency.

Despite this variety, there are common key signs of drug addiction that call for professional intervention. These signs include:

  • Building a tolerance: You need escalating drug doses to achieve the desired ‘high’.
  • Excessive focus on obtaining the drug: You devote a great amount of time and money to acquiring and using the drug.
  • Deceptive Behaviours: You are engaging in dishonesty or lying to those close to you about your drug use.
  • Intense Cravings: The overpowering longing for the drug influences your mood and concentration.
  • Self-Medication: You use drugs to cope with stress, mental health issues, or other challenging emotions.
  • Neglecting Consequences: Despite the negative effects on your personal, work, or social life, you continue to take drugs.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: You experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms when you voluntarily stop taking the drug or are unable to access it.

Recognising these key signs can be crucial in acknowledging a potential drug addiction and seeking necessary professional help.

NEOVIVA’s approach to alcohol addiction treatment

While the most important initial step is allowing yourself to accept that you have a problem, transitioning from both physical and mental dependency to a healthy lifestyle is the subsequent significant challenge, demanding careful attention to each phase of the rehabilitation process. At NEOVIVA, we define four stages in addiction recovery treatment:

1. Assessment

Conducting a thorough addiction assessment is a vital aspect of the rehabilitation process. Individuals struggling with addictions often exhibit a high degree of secrecy, often fueled by fears of legal consequences and societal judgment. Establishing trust and overcoming this secretive nature is integral to the assessment process. Additionally, substance abuse is likely linked to an underlying mental health disorder. Given this close connection, it is imperative to identify and address any co-occurring mental health disorders simultaneously with the addiction.

2. Supervised Medical Detox

To overcome drug addiction and depending on our assessment, you may have to undergo detox, i. e. the process of eliminating the substances and their toxic byproducts from the body. As your body purges these substances, withdrawal ensues. For many people the feared withdrawal symptoms pose a significant barrier to breaking free from their addiction, deterring them from even attempting to do so. Fortunately, by participating in a medical detox programme under professional supervision and care, this process can be managed safely and comfortably.

3. Treatment

After detoxification, you will move on to your treatment programme at NEOVIVA with daily group therapy, psychoeducation, individual counselling and psychotherapy, and creative expression. Additionally, our comprehensive approach integrates mindfulness training through educational groups on addiction and recovery, coupled with body-focused methods for nervous system regulation. Supported by a comprehensive medical and physical assessment, your treatment will be augmented by state-of-the-art methods, such as rTMS, designed to alleviate cravings and enhance mood.

4. Continuing Care

As we strongly believe in the significance of ongoing support, we encourage further progress upon returning home by providing a comprehensive Continuing Care programme after you complete your treatment at NEOVIVA.

Seek help

Recognising the signs of drug addiction in someone you care about is a crucial first step towards providing help and support. If you find yourself uncertain about how to navigate this challenging situation, remember that assistance is available and that reaching out for guidance can make a significant difference. Don’t hesitate to contact us: our NEOVIVA team is here to provide expert advice, support, and resources to help you address the situation effectively.