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Mental Health Disorders

When moving forward feels impossible

Mental health conditions like depression and anxiety can make life difficult, blocking the path to the life you envision. Feeling alone is common, especially when it appears no one understands what you’re experiencing. At NEOVIVA, we see mental health as equally important as physical health. Our experts are ready to listen without judgment and help you overcome barriers, giving you the support and tools you need to take back control of your life. We know that everyone’s journey to feeling better is different, so we work closely with you to find the best way forward.

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Depression is much more than feeling unhappy or fed up for a short time. It is a profound and persistent sadness that lasts for weeks or months. Despite what some may think, depression is not trivial or just a phase, not a sign of personal weakness or something that can be overcome by simply deciding to be happier. It is a serious health condition with very real symptoms. This condition is often coincides with chemical imbalances in the brain and can affect anyone, regardless of whether there is a clear contributing factor, such as the loss of a loved one, unemployment, or childbirth. It can  sometimes appear tomanifest without any apparent cause.

Seeking help for depression early is key to a faster recovery. With the appropriate treatment and support, most people can fully recover from depression. It is vital to understand that overcoming depression is not about willpower but requires a comprehensive approach to treat both the mind and body. Genetic factors might make some individuals susceptible to depression, making it even more important to recognise early warning signs and prevent relapses. At NEOVIVA, we focus on treating the individual as a whole, not just the symptoms. Our approach includes 1:1 as well as group counselling sessions, psychotherapy, medical support, and a range of treatments like body-oriented and creative therapies, mindfulness, and lifestyle changes to ensure a holistic recovery.


Fear is a natural part of life, serving as a protective mechanism in dangerous situations by heightening our physical alertness. However, when fear begins to exert a significant negative impact on daily activities, it might indicate the presence of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety doesn’t just live in your head – it invades your life, straining relationships and impairing your social, school or work life. This disorder arises from a complex interplay of social, psychological, and biological factors. Although anyone can be affected by it, individuals who have experienced abuse, significant losses, or other adverse experiences are at a higher risk of developing it. Among the most common mental health complaints worldwide, this mental health condition affects approximately 4% of the population annually.[i]

At NEOVIVA, treatment for anxiety primarily centres around exploring the underlying causes of your anxiety as well as managing the symptoms and overcoming avoidance behaviour. Our philosophy emphasises treating the individual, not just the symptoms. This involves a holistic strategy that includes 1:1 and group counseling, psychotherapy, medical support, and a variety of therapeutic modalities, including physical and creative therapies, mindfulness practices, and lifestyle adjustments.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Many individuals recover from extreme or hazardous experiences within a month or two, regaining their sense of normalcy. Yet, for others, the impact of these events persists much longer, manifesting in recurring intrusive memories, flashbacks, nightmares and feelings of reliving the events, increased irritability, constant vigilance, sleep disturbances, and an avoidance of anything that reminds them of the trauma. Trauma is not limited to physical incidents; emotional extremes like neglect can also inflict deep psychological wounds, potentially leading to negative self-perception and personality issues – in other words, to symptoms that are common precursors to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

At NEOVIVA, our treatment of PTSD includes a wide range of therapeutic interventions, aimed at addressing both the direct symptoms and the underlying factors that intensify the trauma’s effects. Through initial consultations with our clinical team of psychologists, psychiatrists, and psychotherapists, we develop a personalised therapeutic plan, ensuring comprehensive care that aligns with your unique needs.

Burnout (chronic fatigue syndrome)

We all face times of heightened stress. If this pressure continues unchecked, it can lead to exhaustion. Initially, rest might help you bounce back. But if you ignore the signs of fatigue and push through, constantly operating in survival mode and allowing  everyday stress, high expectations, and scant recognition drain your energy, you risk spiraling into a full „burnout“. Being invisible to scans and tests has caused many to doubt the existence of this ailment, and even today, it remains absent from many medical texts, lacking a universally accepted definition. Yet, those experiencing burnout face significant hardship, characterised by overwhelming exhaustion, alongside fatigue, weakness, concentration issues, sleep problems, and apathy.

As burnout arises from a mix of physical and psychological strain due to long-term, intense stress that overwhelms your ability to adapt, these symptoms often emerge slowly, making early detection rare. At NEOVIVA, our burnout treatment embraces a comprehensive view of the individual, incorporating advanced understandings of physiology and biochemistry with holistic psychotherapy. Through personal counselling, we guide you in uncovering and addressing unconscious patterns, offering a safe pathway out of the burnout spiral.

NEOVIVA’s approach to treatment of mental health disorders

“Mental health disorders” is a broad term for various conditions that can often occur together., . To ensure that your personal experiences and feelings are validated and to effectively address and alleviate your distress, pinpointing the origins of these conditions is crucial. We understand that it is difficult to discuss mental health issues that disrupt your daily life, particularly with those who depend on you.

At NEOVIVA, we provide a confidential and supportive environment for you to share your concerns. Our dedicated team of clinical professionals is here to assist you in overcoming your mental obstacles, one step at a time. We support your journey through emotional hurdles, traumatic experiences, and stress triggers, aiding you in regaining your balance. Our therapeutic programme targets both your mental health disorder itself and any associated underlying social issues and physical needs. This exploration occurs through counselling and psychotherapy in group and one-on-one sessions. Additionally, we will aid you in constructing a personalised toolbox of techniques and resources to regain control, manage stress healthily, and sustain your mental well-being.

Reach out to our Client Relations Team to learn more about the support we offer.


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