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Signature Programme

Our Signature Programme involves a comprehensive mix of group therapy, individual sessions, body-focused therapies and personal time. We believe that it takes a minimum of four weeks to build the foundation for long-term recovery.

A typical day at NEOVIVA

Each day begins with a healthy breakfast followed by somatic sessions to encourage our clients to attune with their bodies and emotions. This may involve yoga, breathwork or physical exercise. A group check-in encourages our clients to set their intentions for the day.

A typical day involves a mix of somatic and mindfulness exercises, interwoven with group and individual therapies. Clients regularly engage with cutting-edge methods such as rTMS sessions to reduce cravings and improve mood. Psychoeducational groups will explore topics around addiction and recovery, whilst complimentary therapies will encourage self-awareness and nervous system regulation.

Some evenings include involvement in mutual-aid groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). On weekends, the days are structured differently and focus on activities which complement our therapeutic programme. We take trips to the surrounding areas or enjoy the lake and breath-taking alpine scenery. Throughout your entire stay, you will have ample time to enjoy the beautiful view, take walks in the forest, spend time with our donkeys and relax.