Meet our Animals
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened,” French novelist Anatole France once wrote, and how right he was! It’s incredible how spending time with animals can brighten the spirit. Ever since Florence Nightingale and Sigmund Freud championed to bring dogs into therapy to aid patient recovery, the world of healthcare has opened up to the powerful therapeutical potential of the relationship between animals and humans.

The healing power of animals
Lowering blood pressure, easing depression, reducing anxiety, or lessening stress, are only few of the health benefits of having a cuddly friend around. Their emphatic, non-judgmental companionship creates a strong bond that eases the burden and fills us with “paw-sitive” energy. Pet owners know it, science proves it, and at NEOVIVA, you can benefit from it – be it through the inclusion of Animal-Assisted-Therapy (AAT) to our other evicence-based practices, be it by the opportunity of bringing your own pet to your treatment stay at NEOVIVA and enjoy the soothing company of your best friend during this special time.
Moreover, you are most welcome to enjoy the company of our four-legged NEOVIVA team members:

Chief Happiness Officer
Sir Bentley is our Chief Happiness Officer, and a very opiniated beagle who brings joy and laughter to everyone he meets. With his love for food, fearless howling during meetings, and unbeatable stare-downs, Sir Bentley is an essential part of our team. His strengths go beyond his infectious personality, which he displays in his Instagram account @sirbentley_thebeagle. He is also an expert sniffer, with a curious and independent spirit that drives him to explore every nook and cranny.

Teto † R.I.P. (7 Sept 2008 – 15 Mar 2024)
Chief Compliance Officer
Teto is a tenured member of our animal squad, accompanying Oliver for 13 years. Don’t be fooled by her scruffy looks and stubborn streak – typical for a Berger Picard. She strives to hold the team together and keep everyone focused on their respective tasks (and does not mind doing so very often and with her booming voice). Thanks to her social skills, you’re guaranteed to feel special. In her free time, she likes relaxing or patrolling the property with our CHO.

Chief Zen Officer
Blue is the beloved Chief Zen Officer of our company, renowned for his laid-back attitude, unwavering patience, and loud but soothing snoring. After a difficult start in life, Blue was fortunate enough to be adopted by his forever family, who showered him with love and affection. Since then, he has been living his best life alongside his Frenchie sister, Joy, with whom he shares an unbreakable bond. Despite his playful and carefree demeanor, Blue is also a master of the art of Zen. He has an uncanny ability to remain calm and collected even in the most stressful situations, making him an invaluable asset to our team.

Chief Treat Officer
Meet Zoe, the spirited and lovable canine with a heart of gold. Despite her age, Zoe springs to life at the mere hint of treats, radiating joy wherever she goes. Rescued from the streets, she now lives her dream life, cherishing every moment with her forever family. Fearless and forthright, Zoe fearlessly expresses her desires, be it claiming the comfiest spot or charming treats from other dog owners. When not amusing us with her merkat-like jumps, she finds contentment dozing away peacefully in a cozy corner. Zoe’s story is a testament to the transformative power of love and the boundless happiness a little furry companion can bring to our lives.

Chief Serenity Officer
Introducing Thorsten, the fearless white long-haired Chihuahua and Zoe’s loyal little brother. Though shy at first, he commands a powerful presence reminiscent of a mighty Viking warrior. Thorsten thrives on accompanying clients during their sessions, finding solace in sitting on their laps and attentively absorbing their tales. A remarkable listener, he offers comfort and understanding without uttering a single word. This pint-sized companion proves that courage and compassion know no size, and his unwavering support brings joy and comfort to all around him. As Zoe’s steadfast sidekick, Thorsten exemplifies the strength of bonds and the immeasurable love that our furry friends bring into our lives.

Julie & Janusch & Lorenzo
Chief Comfort Officers
Meet Julie, Janusch, and Lorenzo, the three donkeys who have brought comfort and joy to many of our clients. Despite their unassuming appearance, Julie, Janusch, and Lorenzo have a magical ability to brighten up anyone’s day. Their warm and friendly personalities have made them firm favorites among our clients, who often seek out their company when they need a little pick-me-up. These gentle creatures are currently being trained to serve our clients even better. As part of their ongoing training, they are learning how to assist our clients on picnics, carrying food and equipment, and taking them for a leisurely stroll through the countryside.