Learn more about the complex fields of addiction and recovery. The new NEOVIVA Library provides in-depth information and advice for affected persons, interested people and health professionals. We feature articles and news on addiction research and policy, regularly updated with new insights and perspectives. The library will grow with time; if you subscribe to updates, we will be happy to inform you when new articles are published.

How Binge Drinking Affects The Brain
The increasing prevalence of binge drinking is compelling health professionals, researchers, and educators to obtain a more profound understanding of this intense form of alcohol abuse—especially given that a single episode of binge drinking will negatively affect our...

Repairing and Rebuilding Relationships in Recovery
Addiction does not just affect the life of an individual. The battle with addiction leaves a trail of damaged relationships in its wake: families that may have been torn apart, best friends no longer on speaking terms, spouses and partners who could not take it...

The Risks & Dangers of Quitting Cold Turkey
Despite its silly name, which may evoke images of refrigerated poultry leftovers, "going cold turkey" refers to the dangerous quick-fix approach of abruptly quitting an addictive substance instead of gradually reducing usage. Read on to learn more about the dangers...

Is Addiction a Life Sentence?
“Is there a cure for addiction or will I struggle with it for the rest of my life?” Anyone struggling with addiction most probably wished for something that would make the craving, the pain of withdrawal go away. Forever. But can addiction be cured at all? Is there a...

Relapse Triggers and How To Avoid Them
Addiction treatment can help you to stop using and start your recovery, but the real challenge of staying sober begins once you return to your daily routine. While relapse is a pretty common part of the addiction cycle, you can avoid it by recognising and sidestepping...

Addiction – a “Family Disease”
Whether it's a spouse, a child or a parent – addiction not only affects the user but touches the lives of everyone who is close to the person struggling with substance abuse. The entire family is faced with the challenges and devastating effects that follow in the...

Addiction: disease or simply the result of choices?
In the best case, exploring and defining the nature of addiction is crucial for deciding on the most effective recovery treatment. While we explain the currently prevailing view to you in this blog post, we also look at the most discussed alternative models. Why do...

Forms of Addiction Treatment: A Guide to Different Pathways
Choosing and assessing the right treatment program for your personal situation can be a challenging and overwhelming process. Given there is no "one-size-fits-all"-approach to recovery, we have compiled a list of the most important, evidence-based treatment methods...

How Work Stress Can Lead to Substance Abuse
«Just let go at the end of the workday» is a piece of sound advice but sometimes seems impossible to accomplish. When work is stressful, it can be difficult to truly disengage at the end of the day. Even if you love your job, the effects of stress are likely to be...

High-Functioning Alcoholics – the signs, the risks, and how to help them
Many of us have a stereotypical view of how an alcoholic looks and behaves: someone whose life is falling apart because they drink too much, right? But there is a difference between someone who suffers from high-functioning alcoholism and someone who simply enjoys...