High-Functioning Alcoholics – the signs, the risks, and how to help them

by | Aug 6, 2022 | Education

Rapid heartbeat, sweaty palms, and a blend of anxiety and euphoria – some may recognise these as the sensations of falling in love, while others might associate them with the high from drugs. Both perspectives are valid. The similarities and differences between these intense experiences are striking. However, how our brains handle the emotional roller coasters of love, rejection, addiction, and recovery is complex. Understanding these processes could provide valuable insights for developing more effective addiction therapies.


Expert Corner with Dr. phil. Mayte Parada

Many of us have a stereotypical view of how an alcoholic looks and behaves: someone whose life is falling apart because they drink too much, right? But there is a difference between someone who suffers from high-functioning alcoholism and someone who simply enjoys drinking. The difference is called addiction.

Signed the contract? – Let’s celebrate over a drink!

She said, “yes, I do?” – Pop the cork!

Sealed the deal? – Drinks are on me!

Just look around you: Whether in everyday life or popular movies or TV series, it seems that talking business, relaxing or celebrating isn’t properly done until it happens over a drink. Smiling people with drinks in their hands, successful people sharing drinks with other successful people … everyone is having a party, hangovers are hilarious and, what’s the big deal anyway, “birds do it / bees do it” – let’s do it, let’s have a drink!

Who, ever, says, “Stop it! Haven’t you noticed that you have become an alcoholic?”?

Like many hurtful traits and habits shown through popular culture, the negative realities of drinking and alcohol use disorders (AUD) rarely get serious screen time. And if they do, it is usually a portrayal of clear cases. However, what is utterly important to understand is that a person with AUD is not just “that other” person, often embarrassingly smelly, lacking personal hygiene and cleanliness, abandoned by friends and family, and unable to stay on the job much less walk a straight line. The truth is that the condition we colloquially call “alcoholism” spans the complexities of human behaviour and as such exists on a very long and broad spectrum of severity. It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich, single or married, employed or not; problems with alcohol occur across all sections of society. This means that we need to be aware of the fact that there is a very large number of people around us with “high-functioning alcohol use disorder” while they may be appearing mentally and physically healthy, perhaps successful in their jobs, and surrounded by family and friends, their drinking has become problematic. We need to be aware that the damaging consequences of AUD are very real.

What is a high-functioning alcoholic?

While not a formal medical diagnosis, the term “high-functioning alcoholic” (or “functional alcoholic”) is commonly used to describe a person who is dependent on alcohol but can still function as a member of society, they continue to successfully manage, i. e. their jobs, their homes and their social life, only very rarely missing out on important obligations due to their drinking.

This outward appearance of being physically and emotionally healthy is often counteracted by an inward struggle with alcohol cravings, failing attempts to quit drinking and increasing adverse effects from drinking on their life.

The signs: how to recognise a high-functioning alcoholic

Are you worried that you may be a functioning alcoholic? Or that someone you care for has become alcohol dependent without even knowing it? Identifying high-functioning alcoholism can be difficult, especially given the legality of alcohol, its easy availability, and socially and culturally widespread acceptance.

Still, certain behaviours indicate that a person may be a functioning alcoholic. In the following, we have outlined the following vital signs to look out for:

Regular drinking with a high tolerance

It seems as though there is always a reason to drink, always a justifying event at hand: a lunch break at work with a visiting colleague, coping with a stressful situation, being glad the long workday finally is over, needing to unwind before going to sleep, celebrating the weekend …

While regularly drinking, even to excess, functioning alcoholics rarely appear to be drunk or suffer from apparent signs of intoxications or hangovers. The reason for this is the high physical tolerance to alcohol they built over time against even heavy drinking. According to the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a division of the US National Institutes of Health, “heavy drinking” is defined as consuming more than seven drinks per week (for women) or more than 15 drinks per week (for men) respectively.

Secretive and deceptive behaviour

Does the person try to conceal their alcohol consumption or lie about their whereabouts or drinking habits? For example, high-functioning alcoholics tend to hide alcohol around the house or try to have a drink before an event where alcohol isn’t available.

Being defensive or avoiding criticism of alcohol (ab)use

When confronted with other people’s opinions about their drinking habits, functioning alcoholics show signs of uneasiness, ranging from flippant and self-ironic remarks to mocking you for your concern, blaming external factors, or downplaying the situation.


High-functioning alcoholics tell themselves they don’t have a problem. In their eyes, what might the problem be anyway? They go to work every day; they pay their bills on time; they have a loving home and fun with friends – so why should they seek help when they have not yet experienced the harmful effects of their AUD?

Further signs …

… that a person may suffer from an AUD include

  • Memory blackouts
  • Extreme mood swings

The risk factors: can we all turn into high-hunctioning alcoholics?

Alcoholism does not make a distinction between gender, background or financial status. The reasons why people may develop AUD are manifold. While most of them won’t be “high-functioning alcoholics”, certain shared risk factors increase any person’s chances of developing a drinking problem, among them you find:

  • experiencing high levels of stress
  • experiencing peer pressure to drink
  • having friends or family members who suffer from an AUD
  • suffering from low self-esteem

Confronting a high-functioning alcoholic

As denial plays a powerful part in being a high-functioning alcoholic, by the time they do admit their problem, withdrawal symptoms such as anxiousness, depression, nausea, or tremor might have become severe enough that they keep drinking primarily to avoid those symptoms – and thus the downward spiral of addiction continues.

Early intervention can be key in preventing the problem from intensifying further. So, if you recognise that someone needs help or believe a person is showing signs of being a functioning alcoholic, you may wonder how best to give support.

First of all, it is essential to approach the person about their behaviour and the impact of their alcohol use. Choose a private environment for this frank and open conversation, maybe taking a walk together or having a coffee when no one else is around, and make sure that the person you are worried about is sober at that moment.

Secondly, it is important to avoid accusatory or judgmental tones (i. e. “You are drinking too much!”). Your goal is to show that you are trying to help and convince the person to seek treatment. Stay assertive and emphasise your concern (i. e. “We are worried about you.”).

Finally, don’t expect too much or even a reversal of their behaviour in your first talk. Expect them to make excuses, remain in denial, even attack or insult you. Stay calm and patient when explaining the consequences of their alcohol use and how it negatively impacted other people’s lives. This way, you put the problem in perspective for them, helping them acknowledge the dimension of their behaviour. The person may already be aware of drinking too much and is more likely to listen to your wake-up call when you choose this kind of gentle approach. Let them know you are worried but don’t expect them to change just because you worry, you may have sown a seed, and if not for anything else, they will realise that their behaviour has not gone unnoticed.

Treatment for high-functioning alcoholics

Stepping out of denial is a crucial step. Treatment facilities, such as NEOVIVA, offer treatment programmes to help you stop the cycle of alcohol addiction. If you or someone you know is unable to stop drinking on their own and you want to reach out for help, you can contact us directly. We are ready to help and talk you through our personalised treatment programmes.

Barbara Thoma

Originally trained as a lawyer, Barbara transitioned into the mental health services sector, where she has built extensive experience over the past decade. Leveraging her analytical skills and attention to detail, she has provided expert guidance, consulted on mental health programmes, conducted workshops, and analysed policies to improve client outcomes. Concurrently, she excels in corporate communication, copywriting, translation, and editing, offering multilingual services in German, English, Spanish, Korean, and Italian. As a freelance communication expert, she works with prestigious mental health institutions and other renowned international organisations.

