Relapse Triggers and How To Avoid Them

Relapse Triggers and How To Avoid Them

Addiction treatment can help you to stop using and start your recovery, but the real challenge of staying sober begins once you return to your daily routine. While relapse is a pretty common part of the addiction cycle, you can avoid it by recognising and sidestepping...
Addiction – a “Family Disease”

Addiction – a “Family Disease”

Whether it’s a spouse, a child or a parent – addiction not only affects the user but touches the lives of everyone who is close to the person struggling with substance abuse. The entire family is faced with the challenges and devastating effects that follow in...
How Work Stress Can Lead to Substance Abuse

How Work Stress Can Lead to Substance Abuse

«Just let go at the end of the workday» is a piece of sound advice but sometimes seems impossible to accomplish. When work is stressful, it can be difficult to truly disengage at the end of the day. Even if you love your job, the effects of stress are likely to be...